


She wrote poem but not anymore.
She had a dog but not anymore.
She wore t-shirt in winter but not anymore.

Her favourite word is: Irish Goodbye.

ouyangchefen (Che-Fen OUYANG) is a Stockholm-based design researcher & designer (b. Taipei, Taiwan). She is currently an Associate Researcher at Taiwan Design Research Institute.

In 2021, she obtained her Master Degree of Sustainable Urban Planning and Design from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture. With multidisciplinary background, she’s hovering between research practices on urban design and literature, also visual & editorial design.

M.Sc. Sustainable Urban Planning & Design in Architecture
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Auditing Student
École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville

Exchange Programme in Art History
Sciences Po (Institut d'études politiques de Paris)

B.A. Chinese Literature & Cultural Studies
National Tsing Hua University
Stockholm, Sweden

Paris, France

Paris, France

Hsinchu, Taiwan


